Do you ever find yourself stuck at home, unable to go on
trail rides with your friends, or you cannot go anywhere with your horse? You
are probably one of the many people who have a hard time loading your horse. I
am one of these people and I went through the struggle far too long. Both my
horses, Memphis and Fancy, did not like getting in the trailer and would try
their hardest to avoid getting in. It got so bad that I have injured myself
pulling Fancy into the trailer. I have used force and spent hours asking them
to take just a small step into the trailer. It did not help that my family only
had a very small two-horse trailer that could barely fit the two of them. They
felt so confined, and it is not natural for a horse to walk into such a tight
and small space and then stand while it is moving. After hours of working on
it, I could sometimes get them in and then we would go through the whole
process again, which would take another few hours. Sometimes if we really
needed to get somewhere like to the vet or to a riding lesson, we would have to
call our neighbor who also had horses and he would force them into the trailer,
so we could get to our destination sooner. This was not okay for my horses and
I, and what I the struggle I wanted to go through anymore. I needed to find
another way to load a horse. Then I met my trainer and she showed me another
way to solve the problem I have been having for years. It was so amazing to
learn that her horses can hop into the trailer with barely any asking on her
part. I had never seen anything like it and I wanted to have that be my
experience and relationship with my horses. I did not want to have it be a
constant fight, where I was usually the loser, or my horses or I could get
seriously hurt in the process. From that day, I decided I needed to make the
change for both my horses and I. Therefore, that is what I did. My dad pulled
the trailer into the pasture/arena and I worked with them every day. I took my
horse out into the pasture and worked with him with just his halter; his lead rope
and my Parelli Natural Horsemanship carrot stick (stick with a string attached).
I made it a game and not into the negative experience, it used to be. Instead
of standing inside the trailer or pulling through the front window to get the
horse in as I used to do for years, which cause so much stress for both the
horse and I. Now I know to stand outside of the trailer with the horse and just
ask him to take a step in with a little encouragement from my stick, which acts
as an extension of my arm so I could be at a safe distance. I would ask him to move towards the trailer
and if I even got a small step in the right direction, I would reward him and
let him retreat. Just like any other object, approaching and retreating is the
most effective way of asking your horse to do anything and getting the positive
results, while maintaining the trust you are hoping for with your horse. This made it where every day I saw
improvement. When he was acting up or did not want to take that step closer, I
would move away from the trailer and do different movements or games to keep
him moving, so he would learn that if he is in or by the trailer, he gets to
stand still. The first day, I would get
one step towards the trailer a couples times. The next day, I would get a
little more and maybe he would even put his hoof up on the edge of the trailer
and feel around it a bit to make sure it was sturdy. Other times he would sniff
around and get a feel for what it is. Eventually he would even stick his whole
head in the trailer. Every day we made more and more progress until he was
comfortable enough to step up inside and have half his body inside. When he got
this far, I did not push him the rest of the way, I just let him look around
and be in the trailer without anything happening to him. Eventually, I got it;
he walked right into the trailer with all of his body inside. I was so happy
and relieve that we did it. I had to remind myself that this was only the first
time, and I still needed him to get in consistently and be okay with it. I knew
that this was huge progress from where we started and I was so proud of him.
Not too much later, he was getting in every time and I barely had to ask. He
loved to go in the trailer and go places. My mom and I were working with both
the horses and she did the same stuff with our mare. Fancy is definitely more of an extroverted
horse and scared of unfamiliar things, so it took her a bit more time, but
eventually she too was getting in the trailer with no problem at all. This way
of training and working with the trailer was exactly what we needed. Both
horses were able to get in the trailer with ease and we did not experience the traumatic
attempts like before. If you are having a hard time getting your horse into the
trailer I strongly recommend this approach. If you put more time into it in the
beginning, you will spend far less time fighting with it later every time you
need to go somewhere. I am so happy I made the change and took the necessary
time. I hope all of you can find the same success and make trailering a better
experience for both you and your horse.
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